+27(0)21 863-5000 tender@casidra.co.za



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The scope of works is for the installation of 1200mm high fences for the Swartland district, farm Caledonia, situated 15km away from the R45 (Oak Street Road in HOPEFIELD. The overall distance of fencing will be 6000 metres. Site locations as per attached map.


The scope of works will include the clearing all vegetation, roots, trees and rocks in 500mm on each side of the new fence. The area is very sandy.

Scope of works:

The following fencing material will be supplied by the farmer

  • 63 x Barbered wire Karoo 2
  • 66 x Pine poles creosote 2.1m x 120-139mm
  • 467 x Pine poles creosote 1.8m x 100-119mm
  • 1760 x Spar hout creosote 1.2m x 32-50mm
  • 2 x 50kg binding wire 3.15mm no. 10
  • 2 x 50kg binding wire 2mm no 14
  • 32mm Staples
  • 132 x 1850mm Y-y-type steel poles
  • 8 x Gate W-galvanised 3050x1200x34mm

Contractor to supply the cement, stone, sand and all other material needed for the successful completion of the work as described.

  • Removal of shrubs, trees, bushes, boulders and roots, to the width of 1000mm (500mm either side of fence).
  • The corner, anchor and gate posts will be set into holes of 500 x 500 x 750mm deep, with a 50mm thick cement, sand mortar mix casted to the bottom, and will then be packed with stones around the post. Stones shall not exceed 100mm in diameter, packed in layers of 150mm, between each layer pour in a 1 to 3 cement, sand mortar mix of such consistency that it can flow into the gaps between the stones.
  • Corner, anchor and gate posts will be installed on the box principle as per attached sketch and are of sizes of 120-140mm diameter creosote pole x 1800mm width x 1200mm high, 4mm bloudraad wire fully galvanised and 500 x 500 x 750mm deep concrete base, every 300m box anchor.
  • Line posts are timber pole 1.8m x 100mm long creosote treated and to be installed 20m apart, 450 x 450 x 600mm deep. All surplus material will be backfilled and compacted as the work proceeds.
  • Farm gates W-type are 45mm x 3050mm wide x 1200mm high and to be installed between the gate posts with 50mm gaps on either side. Three double farm gates to be installed.
  • The gates will be installed so that they hang free with a maximum gap of 100mm between the bottom of the gate and the ground level.
  • The fencing will be installed to a height of 1200mm, with 8 strands of barbed wire fully galvanised Karoo 2, Bottom three strand spaced 80mm apart thereafter increasing gradually to 150mm between strand 7 and 8.
  • All wires will be pulled taut with a standard gorilla wire puller or equal.
  • The wire will be fastened on to the anchor poles by wrapping at least two turns of wire round the pole and then winding the end of the wire onto the line when taut, neatly, with at least 5 twists. The wire will be fastened onto the line poles by means of U shaped galvanised staples of minimum 3.15mm x 32mm.
  • The timber droppers 1.2m x 32 – 50mm, creosote treated, spacing between the droppers 4m.
  • The tops of all poles will be level where the area is level, where the level of the ground is such that the fence is higher in places, gaps bigger than 100mm will need to be filled, under the fence.


The  completed  fence  shall  be  plumb,  taut  to  line  and  ground  contour,  with  all  posts, line posts and droppers firmly set. The height of the lower fencing wire above the ground at posts and droppers shall not vary by more than 25mm, topography allowing. Other fencing wires shall not vary by more than 10mm from their prescribed relative vertical positions.

The Contractor shall, on completion of each section of fence, remove all cut-offs and other loose wire so as not to create a hazard to grazing animals or a nuisance to the owners of the ground.

The contractor will make provision for chemical toilets at the sites as well as adequate drinking water for the labour.


The successful bidder must have the capacity to start the works within 7 (seven) days of appointment and complete the work within 30 (thirty) days. 

Conditions that may pose a risk: (Summary of Risk analysis)

Sandy ground conditions can be expected. Security for materials and equipment must be supplied. The Contractor must put all necessary precautions in place to work under these conditions.

Documents are available at Casidra SOC Ltd, 22 Louws Avenue, Southern Paarl.  Documents can also be obtained from Mr Khaya Dzula or Mr Stefan Du Plessis via email on kdzula@casidra.co.za or sduplessis@casidra.co.za    

Documents for the purpose of this bid include:

  1. Conditions to Submit Bid (Form CBD 2.1 (Lump Sum)) or Standard Conditions of Contract can be viewed on the Casidra website at www. Casidra.co.za
  2. Price Form, Bill of Quantities and Schedules (Form CBD 3.1 (Lump Sum))
  3. Scope of Works (Form CBD 4)
  4. PPP Evaluation Form (Form CBD 5.1 (80/20))
  5. Bank Entity Form (Form CBD 7), unless the banking details of the company indicate “verified” on the Central Supplier Database (CSD).
  6. Registration on the CSD for all suppliers is compulsory and registration numbers must be supplied.
  7. For Construction works – Occupational Health and Safety Risk assessment and Specifications according to Construction Reg. 5 (b)

 In accordance with Casidra’s Preferential Procurement Policy, this bid as further indicated in CBD 5.1 is subject to:

  • B-BBEE certified bids will receive preferential scores;

A compulsory site meeting will be held on 16 September 2019 at 10h00 at  Caledonia Farm GPS coordinates -32.954912 S 18.419408 E.  Notice of attendance must be forwarded to the contact person.

BID DEADLINE:  The closing date for the bid is 30 September 2019 strictly at 12H00.

Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the name of the bidder and the inscription “6KM FARM FENCE CONSTRUCTION AT CALEDONIA– BID NO. 123/2019)” and placed in the bid box available at Reception of Casidra’s Head Office, 22 Louws Avenue, Southern Paarl.  No faxed, counter-to-counter courier or posted bids will be accepted.