This document is not for sale. Any entity that requests payment must be reported at the contact person indicated in this tender.
The works, as described, are part of the Famer Support and Development programme of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture for the North West Coast District. All the work will be situated on Bonteheuwel Farm, 52km outside of Clanwilliam on the R364 road. The quoted amount will be a measured bid and must include labour and material. As the works are urgent, the successful bidder must have the capacity to start the works within 14 (fourteen) days of appointment and complete the work within 60 (sixty) days.
The Contractor must also have capacity on site on a daily basis to operate a dumpy level successfully, to peg out and control construction levels and have suitable experience in the construction of fencing.
Conditions that may pose a risk: (Summary of Risk analysis)
Extreme cold in winter (0˚ or less, min temperatures) and extreme heat (40˚ plus, maximum temperatures) in summer are 2 (two) conditions the contractor will have to take cognisance of. The region is extremely rocky with high mountains and very gravel roads and gravel passes. As the contractor will be working in the outlying areas, snakes can also prove a risk. The Contractor must put all necessary precautions in place to work under these conditions.
Highly strained wire fencing can create dangerous work environment and need care and experienced personnel to supervise.
The scope of works will include:
- The supply of materials, and services for the construction of a maximum of 7600 metres of 1200mm high of fencing
- Labour for the removal of existing field fencing and clearing of grounds where required.
- Supply of material and all facilities as needed for the works.
Documents are available at Casidra SOC Ltd, 22 Louws Avenue, Southern Paarl. Documents can also be obtained from Mr. Carlo Frans via email on
Documents for the purpose of this bid include:
- Conditions to Submit Bid (Form CBD 2.2 (Measured)
- Price Form, Bill of Quantities and Schedules (Form CBD 3.2 Measured)
- Scope of Works (Form CBD 4)
- PPP Evaluation Form (Form CBD 5.1 80/20)
- Bank Entity Form (Form CBD 7), unless the banking details of the company indicate “verified” on the Central Supplier Database (CSD).
- Registration on the CSD for all suppliers is compulsory and registration numbers must be supplied.
- Drawings
- Map of Access Roads to Site
- For Construction works – Occupational Health and Safety Risk assessment and Specifications according to Construction Reg. 5 (b)
In accordance with Casidra’s Preferential Procurement Policy, this bid as further indicated in CBD 5.1 is subject to:
- a functionality compliance test;
- B-BBEE certified bids will receive preferential scores;
- Local production and content
This bid include goods from a designated sector Steel products and components for construction with a stipulated minimum threshold for local production and content will be considered. SBD 6.2 and Annex C, D and E documentation apply and must be completed and handed in with this bid.
For Construction works above the value of R200 000 – It is estimated that tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading designation of 2GB or higher.
The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form (CBD 8). Included are a penalty clause of R 500,00/calendar day that apply for late completion of works and a 10% retention fee for 3 months not bearing interest.
A compulsory site meeting will be held on 05 July 2019 at 12h00 at Bonteheuwel Farm, 52km outside of Clanwilliam on the R364 road, GPS coordinates 31˚58’55.85”S 19˚12’56.60”E. Notice of attendance must be forwarded to the contact person as copies of the design plans for the works will be handed out at the meeting.
BID DEADLINE: The closing date for the bid is 18th July 2019 strictly at 12H00.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the name of the bidder and the inscription “BONTEHEUWEL: CONSTRUCTION OF FENCING: BID NO. 41/2019” and placed in the bid box available at Reception of Casidra’s Head Office, 22 Louws Avenue, Southern Paarl. No faxed, counter-to-counter courier or posted bids will be accepted.
The following documents (including fully completed and signed CBD forms numbered 1 to 7 as supplied) must be valid for a period of 60 calendar days after closure of the bid and submitted as a bid packet