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Beaufort West

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RFQ DOCUMENT DOWNLOAD LINK: Supply and delivery borehole equipment


This document is not for sale. Any entity that requests payment must be reported at the contact person indicated in this tender.


The works, as described, are part of the Agriculture and Land Reform programme of the Department of Agriculture Western Cape for the Central Karoo Region, Toornitzkuil is situated 75km out of Beaufort west on the Aberdeen turn-off. The quoted amount will be a lump sum bid and must include supply and installation of the Borehole Equipment.  The successful bidder must have the capacity to install the items within 10 (ten) days after appointment.  

 Conditions that may pose a risk: (Summary of Risk analysis) 

(List any risk that the Contractor must be aware of and have precautions in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act) Flood conditions may arise in the river on the way to the farm. Sandy ground conditions can be expected and the Contractor must put all necessary precautions in place to work under these conditions. 

 The scope of works will include: 

  1.  Equipping existing borehole with submersible pump and solar system for BH2 
  1. – stipulate exact requirements under CBD 4 (Scope of works) 

 Documents can be download from website. 

 Documents for the purpose of this bid include: 

  1. Conditions to Submit Bid (Form CBD 2.1 (Lump Sum) or Standard Conditions of Contract can be viewed on the Casidra website at www.casidra.co.za  
  1. Price Form, Bill of Quantities and Schedules (Form CBD 3.1 (Lump Sum) 
  1. Scope of Works (Form CBD 4) 
  1. PPP Evaluation Form (Form CBD 5.1 (80/20) 
  1. Bank Entity Form (Form CBD 7), unless the banking details of the company indicate “verified” on the Central Supplier Database (CSD). 
  1. SBD 6.2 Local Content declaration form 
  1. Registration on the CSD for all suppliers is compulsory and registration numbers must be supplied. 

 In accordance with Casidra’s Preferential Procurement Policy, this bid as further indicated in CBD 5.1/5.2 is subject to:  

  • A functionality compliance test; 
  • B-BBEE certified bids will receive preferential scores; 
  • Local production and content  

This bid include goods from a designated sector Solar Photovoltaic system and components  and only locally produced goods, services or works, or locally manufactured goods with a stipulated minimum threshold for local production and content will be considered. SBD 6.2 and Annex C, D and E documentation apply and must be completed and handed in with this bid. 

 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form (CBD 8). Included are a penalty clause of R150.00 per calendar day that apply for late completion of works. 

 BID DEADLINE:  The closing date for the bid is 17 May 2022 at 12:00PM 


 Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the name of the bidder and the inscription “TOORNITZKUIL BOERDERY: SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF BOREHOLE EQUIPMENT and placed in the bid box available at Reception of Casidra’s Regional Office, Bateleur Park, Suite 107, Cradock Street, George 529.  No faxed, emailed, counter-to-counter bids will be accepted. 

 The following documents (including fully completed and signed CBD forms numbered 1 to 7 as supplied) must be valid for a period of 60 calendar days after closure of the bid and submitted as a bid packet: 

Document number 

Document description 

Action required/comment 





CBD 1 

General requirements 



CBD 2.1 

Conditions to submit bid on website 



CBD 3.1 

Price form (lump sum) 

Complete, sign 


CBD 3.1 Experience 

Proof of previous work and contact details of three work-related references that are qualified to comment on work. 




CBD 3.1 Rates 

Unit rates for the works on the forms as supplied 



CBD 3.1 Changes 

Indication if any changes are proposed in scope of works and cost implication. 

If required 


CBD 4 

Scope of works 



CBD 5.1 (80/20) 

PPP Evaluation form 

Complete, sign 


SBD 6.2 

SBD 6.2 and Annex C, D and E documentation apply and must be 

Completed and handed in with this bid. 




CBD 7 

Bank Entity form (Not needed if “verified” on CSD) 

Complete, bank stamp 


TCC of principle and sub-contractors 

Registration and verification of Tax Clearance on CSD. 




B-BBEE Certificate or Sworn Affidavit (as applicable, see CBD 5 for detail)  

Original affidavit or certified copy certificate/Valid/not compulsory 


Company profile 

Detailed company profile including the core competencies of personnel and subcontractors 




Letter of good standing of the Contractor in terms of COIDA 

Valid/ compulsory 


OHS Plan 

Occupational Health and Safety Plan approved by the Client 

Valid/ Proof after appointment 


Service agreement 

Completion of 3 months after sale service agreement form 



CBD 3 

Construction manager 



SBD 6.2 

Local content 
