+27(0)21 863-5000 tender@casidra.co.za




Post Date:

2023-02-09 08:46:00

Closing Date:

2023-02-15 12:00:00

Contact Person:

Mr. G van Schalkwyk

Contact Email:


Bidding on this tender has ended

Tender Details


This document is not for sale. Any entity that requests payment must be reported at the contact person indicated in this tender.


The works, as described, are part of the Agriculture and Land Reform programme of the Department of Agriculture Western Cape for the North west coast district. Charlton Brand project  is situated in Ebenhaeser (approximately 10km south-west of Lutzville). The quoted amount will be a lump sum bid and must include the supply & installation of 1ha drip irrigation.

All technical enquiries can be referred to Mr Gerrit van Schalkwyk at (021) 863 5000 or 082 458 1083.

The successful bidder must have the capacity to supply & install the irrigation system before latest 15 March 2023.

The scope of works will include the supply and installation of 1ha drip irrigation – refer to CBD4 for the detailed Scope of works (full material list) and 2x irrigation layout drawings.

Documents are available for the bidder to download from the following website address under the specific tender – https://casidra.co.za/tenders/

RFQ DEADLINE:  The closing date for the request for quote is 15 February 2023 strictly at 12H00.


All RFQ documents to be uploaded onto the Casidra RFQ/Tender portal. No e-mailed or hard copy documents will be accepted.

NOTE TO BIDDERS: Bidders are required to ensure that electronic bid submissions are done at least a day before the closing date to prevent issues which they may encounter due to their internet speed, bandwidth or the size of number of uploads they are submitting. Please do not wait for the last hour to submit. A bidder can upload 30MB and up to 10 documents per upload and multiple uploads are permitted.

All RFQ documents are available for downloading and to be uploaded back onto the Casidra RFQ/Tender portal in PDF Format. No e-mailed or hard copy documents will be accepted

The following documents (including fully completed and signed CBD forms numbered 1 to 7 as supplied) must be valid for a period of 90 calendar days after closure of the bid and submitted as a bid packet:

Document number Document description Action required/comment 
CBD 1 General requirements Signed
CBD 2.1 Conditions to submit bid Signed
CBD 3.1 Price form (lump sum) Complete, sign
CBD 3.1 Experience Proof of previous work and contact details of three work-related references that are qualified to comment on work. Compulsory
CBD 3.1 Rates Unit rates for the works on the forms as supplied Compulsory
CBD 3.1 Changes Indication if any changes are proposed in scope of works and cost implication. If required
CBD 4 Scope of works Signed
CBD 5.1(80/20) PPP Evaluation form Complete, sign
CBD 7 Bank Entity form (Not needed if “verified” on CSD)(Banking details as provided by bank) Complete, bank stamp
TCC of principle and sub-contractors Registration and verification of Tax Clearance on CSD. Compulsory
BEE B-BBEE Certificate or Sworn Affidavit (as applicable, see CBD 5 for detail) Original affidavit or certified copy certificate/Valid/not compulsory
COIDA Letter of good standing of the Contractor in terms of COIDA Valid/ compulsory
OHS Plan Occupational Health and Safety Plan approved by the Client Valid/ Proof after appointment
Company profile Detailed company profile including the core competencies of personnel and subcontractors Compulsory