+27(0)21 863-5000 tender@casidra.co.za




Post Date:

2023-04-14 09:30:00

Closing Date:

2023-04-20 12:00:00

Contact Person:

Anthea Albanie - Philander

Contact Email:


Bidding on this tender has ended

Tender Details

This document is not for sale. Any entity that requests payment must be reported at the contact person indicated in this tender.


The Programme: Agricultural Producer Support and Development is responsible for extension services and on – going support of agricultural projects within the Western Cape. It also aims at encouraging farmers to excel in the farming sector by paying special attention to their farming practices and opening opportunities for growth.

Genadeshoop Boerdery is a privately owned farm. The Genadenshoop farm is located approximately 30km northwest of Piketberg. Access is off an unpaved road off the R399. The approximate coordinates to the farm are -32.820239° South and 18.574260° East. They farm with livestock and small grains. They want to explore the planting of soft citrus or table grapes. They need that to increase the revenue of the farm. The quantity and quality of the water will determine the enterprise they will explore.

The scope of works will include:

  1. Hydrogeological Groundwater Surveying;
  2. Conduct a Geohydrological study on the farm in order to assess the availability of alternative aquafers that may provide alternative sources of groundwater for irrigation purposes.
  3. Site verification and pegging borehole positions
  4. The successful bidder is to prepare hydrogeological survey reports in conformity with the provisions of the rules and procedure outlined by the Water Resources Management Authority, including the following:
  • Site Name, Location and GPS readings.
  • Geology and hydrogeology.
  • Present sources and status of the existing water supply.
  • Existing borehole data information.
  • Geophysical data and analysis
  1. Analysis of delivery test information and recommendation of borehole development
  2. Geotechnical support during drilling

The following reporting requirements should be noted:

The format of writing the Hydrogeological Investigations Report must be as described in the

Second Schedule of the Water Resources Management Rules, 2007. Such a report must

consider the following (verbatim):

  • Name and details of applicant
  • Location and description of proposed Activity
  • Details of climate
  • Details of geology and hydrogeology
  • Details of neighboring boreholes, including location, distance from proposed borehole or boreholes, number and construction details, age, current status and use, current abstraction and use.
  • Description and details (including raw and processed data) of prospecting methods adopted, e.g., remote sensing, geophysics, geological and or hydrogeological cross sections. Hydrogeological characteristics and analysis, to include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
  1. Aquifer transmissivity
  2. Borehole specific capacities
  • Storage coefficient and or specific yield
  1. Hydraulic conductivity
  2. Groundwater flux
  3. Estimated mean annual recharge, and sensitivity to external factors
  • Assessment of water quality and potential infringement of national standards.
  • Assessment of availability of groundwater.
  • Analysis of the reserve.
  • Impact of proposed activity on aquifer, water quality, other abstractors, including likelihood of coalescing cones of depression and implications for other groundwater users in any potentially impacted areas.
  • Recommendations for borehole development, to include but not limited to, the following:
  1. Locations of recommended borehole(s) expressed as a coordinate(s) and indicated on a sketch map
  2. Recommendations regarding borehole or well density and minimum spacing in the project area
  • Recommended depth and maximum diameter
  1. Recommended construction characteristics, e.g. wire-wound screen, grouting depth
  2. Anticipated yield

Any other relevant information (e.g., need to monitor neighboring boreholes during tests).

This report should be written to cover each of the above, insofar as data limitations allow. The report also must include maps, diagrams, tables and appendices as appropriate.

Documents for the purpose of this bid include:

  1. Conditions to Submit Bid (Form CBD 2.1 or Standard Conditions of Contract can be viewed on the Casidra website at casidra.co.za).
  2. Price Form, Bill of Quantities and Schedules (Form CBD 3.1 (Lump Sum/Measured))
  3. Scope of Works (Form CBD 4)
  4. PPP Evaluation Form (Form CBD 5.1 (80/20)
  5. Bank Entity Form (Form CBD 7), unless the banking details of the company indicate “verified” on the Central Supplier Database (CSD).
  6. Registration on the CSD for all suppliers is compulsory and registration numbers must be supplied.

In accordance with Casidra’s Preferential Procurement Policy, this bid as further indicated in CBD 5.1 is subject to:

  • B-BBEE certified bids will receive preferential scores;
  • The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form (CBD 8).

RFQ DEADLINE:  The closing date for the request for quote is 20 APRIL 2023 strictly at 12H00.


  • All RFQ documents to be uploaded onto the Casidra RFQ/Tender portal. No e-mailed or hard copy documents will be accepted.
  • Casidra will not be responsible for bidders’ internet connections, mailbox issues, etc.
  • The closing date and time is specific and bidders should therefore submit bid documents timeously.

The following documents (including fully completed and signed CBD forms numbered 1 to 5 as supplied) must be valid for a period of 60 calendar days after closure of the bid and submitted as a bid packet:

Document number Document description Action required/comment  


CPBD 1 General requirements Signed  
CBD 3.1 Price form Complete, sign  
CBD 3.1 Experience Proof of previous work and contact details of three work-related references that are qualified to comment on work. Compulsory  
CBD 3.1 Rates Unit rates for the works on the forms as supplied Compulsory  
CBD 3.1 Changes Indication if any changes are proposed in scope of works and cost implication. If required  
CBD 5.1 PPP Evaluation form Complete, sign  
CBD 7 Bank Entity form (Not needed if “verified” on CSD) Complete, bank stamp  
TCC of principle and sub-contractors Registration and verification of Tax Clearance on CSD. Compulsory  
BEE B-BBEE Certificate or Sworn Affidavit (as applicable, see CBD 5 for detail). Original certificate required in order to be considered for BBB-EE scoring during internal adjudication.  Original BBB-EE certificate can be couriered/hand delivered to 22 Louws Avenue, Southern Paarl, 7646 marked for attention Supply Chain. Original affidavit or certified copy certificate/Valid/not compulsory  
Company profile Detailed company profile including the core competencies of personnel and subcontractors  



SACNASP Registration


The person responsible for the hydrogeological survey must be registered with SACNASP as a Professional Scientist.


Valid/ compulsory

OHS Plan Occupational Health and Safety Plan approved by the Client Valid/ Proof after appointment